Thursday, November 18, 2010

Big Brother Bubbie

Yes Sir Ree... You read that correctly. Bubbie is going to be a big brother!! I found out a few weeks ago & to be honest, I'm pretty excited. Nervous, this one wasn't exactly planned, but I'm still happy.

We are pretty sure that I am about 8 weeks along and due at the end of June. The only doctor's appointment I have had so far is my pregnancy confirmation visit but we will plan our first prenatal visit as soon as we're in Virginia.

So, with the exciting new information I've just shared, I'm going to get going. I'm super sleepy & Bubbie is napping at the moment.

Catch everyone soon,


Ashley Leitherer said...

Love this news and so happy for you Jessica! Surprises are blessings!

Theresa said...

Congrats! That is so exciting! Get all the sleep you can now....I have 2 girls and it was a whirlwind when the second one came, although I was already domesticated which was helpful.
Visiting from blogfrog, nice blog!