Monday, August 30, 2010


Just wanted to let everyone know that excitement is in the air....
Photobucket Daddy is gonna be HOME SOON!!! Photobucket

Yeap, now THAT is something to be happy about♥

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Mommy's Confused & Concerned

I really have no clue what is going on with my Bubbie. He's always been really good when it comes to sleeping through the night. He'll wake a time or two through the night for a bottle but that's it. However, things have changed the past few nights.

Maybe it's the milk?
I had started Bubbie on whole milk when he turned 11months old because of a formula switch that didn't work too well, with only 1 month to go until the whole milk switch anyways. A day or so into the switch here came the waking up crying at nighttime. Sometimes screaming. & then... there was the solid white bowel movement. The very next day, Bubbie was back on strictly formula.
Now we are back to trying the whole milk. Only this time it's a gradual switch. I was thinking that a gradual switch would be okay but I'm not really sure at this point. There hasn't been any more weird/white bowel movements but there is now a really bad rash on the poor little guy's front & back... It's so pitiful & makes me want to cry. Not to mention, it's actually making him cry.
So is it the milk?!? I guess we'll see because I have decided to put him back on formula alone. Monday I'm calling & getting him a doctor's appointment. Until then, we're going to see if he goes back to sleeping thru the night without having the whole milk. But tonight so far, he's still waking up whimpering.

Whatever is wrong, I want to find out. Regardless as of what it is, all I know is that I just want my Happy Bubbie back!

♥the Tired & Concerned Mommy

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Spaghetti Kid

I swear my kid lives for Spaghetti. Not Spaghetti-O's but the real deal. Chef Boyardee or Homeprepared. & no, he didn't have swimming goggles on while eating, just tried sucking noodles (and sauce) outta the bowl.

Looks cute doesn't he?!? I swear I have to love my kid or moments like this would drive me insane-o. Most of my day consists of either:
A)Feeding Bubbie
B)Bathing Bubbie
C)Telling Bubbie "No"
D)All of the Above

Therefore, if I didn't love him, there would be a picture, of him duct taped to the wall, posted above instead. hehe... nah, it's not been that bad considering I'm still doing it on my own. Not for much longer though because 'Daddy' will be home very soon!! Then it's his turn for a little bit. yeah, okay... we'll see. lol.

Anyways- it's late & Bubbie has been waking up crying off & on tonight. Must try to get some sleep while I can. Long day of cleaning & straightening tomorrow.

Night Everyone,

Saturday, August 21, 2010

We're Back!

Wow! It feels like it has been forever since I've written a post about my little Bubbie. In fact, he's still little but not as tiny as he once was *Sigh*... Guess it is inevitable & he's going to continue to grow. Some days I am wanting him to grow, other days I wish he'd stay the size he is now. Oh well, anyways- Just a rambling thought there. Anywho~ Oh- Guess what!

My Bubbie FINALLY started CRAWLING!!!!


Yes- it's very exciting. & to make things even better, he has started pulling himself up left & right. Love it!! The only issue, he doesn't know how to sit back down. haha. I know it's cruel to laugh but yeah, I still do sometimes. And well- after seeing what he does to my living room every morning... I don't feel so bad. Lol!


But yeah- I know this is short but he is finally awake from his nap. Going to go play some & then see what the rest of our day holds♥