Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Spaghetti Kid

I swear my kid lives for Spaghetti. Not Spaghetti-O's but the real deal. Chef Boyardee or Homeprepared. & no, he didn't have swimming goggles on while eating, just tried sucking noodles (and sauce) outta the bowl.

Looks cute doesn't he?!? I swear I have to love my kid or moments like this would drive me insane-o. Most of my day consists of either:
A)Feeding Bubbie
B)Bathing Bubbie
C)Telling Bubbie "No"
D)All of the Above

Therefore, if I didn't love him, there would be a picture, of him duct taped to the wall, posted above instead. hehe... nah, it's not been that bad considering I'm still doing it on my own. Not for much longer though because 'Daddy' will be home very soon!! Then it's his turn for a little bit. yeah, okay... we'll see. lol.

Anyways- it's late & Bubbie has been waking up crying off & on tonight. Must try to get some sleep while I can. Long day of cleaning & straightening tomorrow.

Night Everyone,

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